Luna OOC?

(This is an explanation of my thoughts regarding the latest update of my fanfiction


First of all I want to say that I actually never planned for this to happen. I knew that Luna would confront Draco somehow, but not quite like this. But when I sat down to wrote the chapter Draco insisted on being an idiot and threaten Luna like that. Which I didn’t mind, I thought it fit his character quite well! But to my surprise Luna responded the way you just read in the story, by being very out of character. I actually considered re-writing the chapter multiple times, but in the end I decided to keep it this way, and here’s why:

I like to think of Luna as someone who is seen as this loony dreamer that is very disconnected to the real world. And yes, the first part can be true but the last part, her being disconnected, isn’t! She is very perceptive and she knows what’s going on. Actually, she is probably the first one to understand what is happening in most situations! She sees what others don’t, and I’m not only referring to the nargles! No, I mean that she understands the human mind and emotions, how those two things are connected and how to make it better. She would probably be an excellent psychiatrist. So when Draco asks her why she’s not scared of him, she tells him the truth: he can try to hide it all he wants, but she knows that he is a coward. He couldn’t kill Dumbledore and he won’t be able to kill her either. In the battle he and his family didn’t stay to fight for neither Hogwarts nor Voldemort, they just ran away. And this is just one thing, out of many other, that she has come to understand about Draco.

But yes, that doesn’t really give you an explanation to why Luna started shouting like that. She could have told him the exact same thing in her normal Luna-esc way. I can’t really explain why that is without ruining future chapters for you, but I can tell you this: Luna acting like this will not go un-noticed. Other characters in the story will see that she’s acting weird and comment on it. She herself will acknowledge it and I won’t just leave it like this, there will be some kind of follow-up to all of this! I’m not sure if the reason will be explained soon or even not at all. But I do have an explanation to why she’s acting like this, but I’ll rather have you figure it out on your own!

Postat av: Prongs

I know! I know!

I know why she's acting like that! And I like what you did because no matter how weird or dreamy she is she's still human! And human react!

2011-12-03 @ 22:06:19

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